dimecres, 13 de març del 2013

Travel guite

Could you please give me some coffee?-----Hem pots portar un cafè, si us plau?
How can I help you?--------------------------Et puc ajudar?
Would you like a window or aisle seat?------T’agradaria un seient de passadís o de finestra?
What’s the reservation code?---------------Quin és el codi de reserva?
Did you pack your luggage yourself?--------Sap vostè empacar el seu equipatge?
Can I have your ticket, please?--------------Puc agafar el teu tiquet, si us plau?
Would you like smoking or non-smoking?----T’agrada fumar o no fumes?
Do you have any baggage?--------------------Portes algun equipatge?

Are you a tourist or on business?------------Ets un turista o un negociant?
I see your passport, please?-----------------Puc veure el seu passaport, si us plau?
Are you carrying any liquids or metal items?---Portes algun líquid o objectes de metall?
Is on time?------------------------------------És a l’hora?
Can I carry this bag with me?---------------Puc portar aquesta motxilla amb mi?

Is breakfast included in the price?--------Està l’esmorzar inclòs en el preu?
Would you like a single room or a double room?---T’agradaria una habitació individual o una doble?
How can I get to the hotel from the railway station?---Com puc arribar a l’hotel des de l’estació de tren?
Are there any rooms with a view of the sea?-------Hi ha habitacions amb vistes al mar?
Do you have a reservation, sir?---------------Te una reserva, senyor?
Can you have breakfast in your hotel?-------Es pot prendre l’esmorzar al seu hotel?
In what hotel you are staying?--------------En quin hotel t’allotges.
What is B & B?--------------------------------Que és B & B?
Can I ask for a wake-up call?----------------Puc demanar que hem despertin?

Do I need a taxi?-----------------------------Hem cal un taxi?
Can I make an appointment for tomorrow, please?---Puc tindre una cita per demà, si us plau?
May I speak to Ms. Lowe, please?----------Podria parlar amb la senyora Lowe, si us plau?
Can I have a glass of soda, please?--------Puc prendre un got de sosa, si us plau?
Can I recommend our buffet?-------------Puc recomanar el nostre bufet?
Where is the post office?-----------------On es l’oficina de correus?
How do you do?------------------------------Com estàs? 
May I help you?-----------------------------Li puc ajudar?
How do I get to the city center?----------Com puc arribar al centre de la ciutat?
Can I pay by credit card?------------------Puc pagar amb targeta de crèdit?
Can I borrow your pen?---------------------Puc agafar prestat el teu bolígraf?

Iris Suárez

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